Until today doctors and cosmetic surgeons are very often facing words such as: “Filler? For heaven’s sake! Not at all ! Ido not want my lips to look like a dinghy … “.
We have to confess that there was a period in which the volume of both lips and cheekbones was exaggerated, either lifting upward or pointed nose.
What makes such an important difference nowadays? The first answer is very simple: people who meet with the patient after he or she underwent a treatment, simply need to find a better looking patient, without knowing the reason why!
Other questions may be asked: exactly what, what is the quantity of filler, what about the measurement and length of a nose and what makes a face attractive? On the other hand, when do we approach those exaggerations that worsen things up? Well the answers to the questions have always been obvious. There is a real mathematical proportion that makes anything pleasing to the eye, not only human: The “proporzione aurea”, also known as the “rapporto aureo”. For instance the person who built the Partenone was aware of it.
What is it? It is “simply” a number: 1.618 …and other infinitive decimals, but the first three are enough for the human eye. In order to explain how to get mathematically there , it would take several pages: it is much easier to show a segment. This segment is divided into two parts, between them in “rapporto aureo”: the longest part is 1.618 compared to the shortest one, the shortest is 0.618 compared to the longest one; and the entire segment is 1.618 compared to the longest!
This “magic” bond of beauty, which may be found in every single spot of a lovely face, or surrounding the lips, or between different parts of the body: it is essential to comply with or at least get close to it as much as possible, to avoid those “monstrosity” that unfortunately it is still known!
I and other colleagues around the world have focused ourselves for years onto the study of the”proporzione aurea”, naturally occurring on the face and body, and the application of its concepts in everyday practice: in some cases the maintenance and the achievement of the “proporzione aurea” after surgery or a simple filler deposition assures us the best aesthetic results.