In addition to the increase of the number of people turning to esthetic medicine and plastic surgery it has been observed a relevant decrease in terms of the patient’s average age. Is this an obsession or an emotional need? Important cases (such as extremely small breast; a deformed nose; and big ears) left aside, one could think that the younger patients should not be allowed to use treatments useful to eradicate or reduce the signs of old age. However, this consideration does not survive a more careful evaluation. In fact, some sign of old age can appear quite prematurely and other can be prevented. For instance, expression wrinkles are formed by the exaggerated contraction of the some facial muscles and they can be prevented treating these muscles with botulin protein in the years between 30 and 40. To use this protein in the correct doses and in the correct period of assumption means to avoid the expression wrinkles’ formation and, thus, it means to avoid the excessive use of filler in the future. During the same time lap, to treat both face and body with radio-frequency treatments and with few lines of bio restructurer allows to maintain a fresher look and a better health for longer in time. Also for what concerns surgery treatments some advantages in performing them sooner rather than later arise. A face lifting performed on the skin of a 45 years old grants better and more “natural” results respect the ones that can be obtained when performing the same surgery on an older patient. This happens because of the better quality and major thickness of the derma. Another example useful to understand the same concept is the case of the lower blepharoplasty. With this surgery we are able to eliminate the bags under the eyes with large anticipation. In fact, why has one to wait to be 50 years old to eradicate this problem? To whom mention the botulin’s injections made by an English cosmetologist to her 8 years old daughter without any doubt I reply “please, let’s not go over the top”.